Remote training and teaching foundation


Our vision is to explore the need for educating the youth


To fundraise for the focused educational projects


Support Everizone in assessments leading to dedicated education programs and jobs

Welcome to Remote Training and Teaching

The RTT foundation encourages students to take responsibility to their personal development; through the assessments they learn about their own capabilities and to choose the proper education for themselves; either locally or via internet remote training.


Our Reach




Projects Done


Our Work Placeholder
Our Work

Foundation Timeline

October, 2003

Rtt was Founded

To support the school project Freedom Through Education Programme

March, 2015

3 Classroom Block Project Started

At government middle school in Giaspura village, Ludhiana district Punjab

March, 2020

Next Step

Everizone is the ideal  next step for all the students of these FTE schools to provide their students with insight in their capabilities and lead them to additional education, communities for exchange of knowledge and to proper jobs.

Our Reach

Facilitating communication between sponsors and students to benefit from the right online education and/or remote training & coaching, ensuring knowledge transfer.

Online learning & Remote training

Students who do not have education, RTT will  support them giving the insight in their true self and access to remote training courses that apply to their specific capabilities.

Building schools & classrooms

Freedom Through Education (FTE) In the past 20 years Round Table India has build schools and sourced donations to support a student, the children of  families or class of students.

Photo Gallery

Happy moments interacting with the children

Our Work