RTT’s History

Who We Are

Our Foundation aims at the transfer of knowledge by remote teaching and training. Communities will be founded around projects through which knowledge and experiences will be shared that will lead to more effective working situations and better international exchange of services and goods.

RTT has already supported the building of many Schools for the least privileged group of children in cooperation with the service club RoundTable India,through the Freedom Through Education programme.

We are now also focusing on Kenya and specifically Garissa County not only to build schools but also to lead students to that kind of education that matches their capabilities and will lead to proper jobs.

Our previous Impact Reports


Lend A Hand

All people in the world who had access to education know what their education has brought them to their successes. Referring to Social Responsibility we would like to challenge them to spend some 0,01% of their income to provide proper education to those children who momentarily do not have access to relevant education. They need schools, books, computers etc. The foundation will cooperate with Everizone to define the projects, investigate the needs and realize the projects.

To develop more industrial and agricultural activities in remote or less developed areas,  Remote Teaching & Training Foundation will support the local entities to organize the educational needs based on the economical and development plans  and lead students to proper jobs that will fit to their personal capabilities.

Our Testimonials

Roger ABC Rammers is the chairman of our foundation and available to explain the goals, activities of the foundation  and connect you to the possible projects and make plans for it.